Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Editorial: Happy Spring Holidays and Observances!!!

I have to tell you guys and gals out there that it's been a wild year. I've published the second part Enclosure early, but there will be new short stories this week and next. The problem is they may actually be too short. I've been writing Enclosure for over two weeks, and I ran through the end in one sit down of several hours, but I got it done. I was happy with it, and it's getting read. Usually I wait a whole week so most people can read it without having to deal with other posts in the way, but I'll be updating my Facebook for the first time in a ever, and that's going to be interesting. 
    I've been frustrated lately, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who has been frustrated with the economy, and ving been out of work for nearly half as long as I've been alive, it's curious to see just how I'm going to survive....oh, I'm sure I'll get a job one day, I've done a post about that about a year-or-so ago when I was wondering if I should've cheated my way into a Bacherlor's degree. Not that I'm stupid,...well, not any stupider than the majority (I kid) but for some reason, I've always questioned my own intelligence. I feel as I get older, I'm getting dumber, but why? Then I play along with Jeopardy! Then I feel good again, because it means I recalled most of what I've learned in High School, and beyond. 
  So I've been relaxing in my new bed, I can't thank my family enough for this wonderful gift. For some reason, I've been down so much over the last few years,mbut after laying in something that was more like a sack on the floor, and laying in this bed has been a miracle cure for my back. My cat even has his own pillow, and he lays down on It right next to me most nights. He's a good boy, but he's getting older, and that's always concerning as a pet parent. Most alliterative terms I can't stand, especially when they're as bodacious in stupidity as pet parent, but I can see the cute euphemism in the idea that a cat ever feels like it has to ever listen to you...because they are treated godly. 
   Anyhow,  the blog is encroaching on three hundred posts, I should be reaching 280 posts before the end of March, and I've been back logging plenty of posts for a rainy day. I released my sShort Story Weekly posts earlier than usual, becaue I was happy to have finished that story early enough to see published up in the same week. Enclosure is perhaps my most controversial story so-far. I try to do those wicked stories every-so-often, but this story was more a take on some extremities in the Libertwrian philosophy, albeit, a mixture of classical debonair dialogue, and smut, it's whatever the reader chooses to make of it, but I'm proud to have written it as a story of passion, and absurd complexities. 
   Three hundred posts....ten years to get to three hundred for most blogs may seem rather short-sighted, but seeing as I've been posting much longer, and multi-parted posts, I find that escalating towards three hundred posts is actually quite on par. Of course, I think I may just do something awesome,,maybe post something unique, but staying true to the blog. I'm truly not sure yet, but I will try my best to do something awesome. 
  I've been foreshadowing the three-hundredth post for as long as I realized it was coming up, about two-hundred and fifty posts in, and I have to say, it was then I realized that this blog has survived nearly three-hundred posts! I remember the first post after my introductory post that  I put up a picture of a jackal. It was merely to test out the ability to upload a picture, and it really made no damn sense. I was a kid back then, just playing around with what was seemingly new technology. Now, I've done reviews for video games, books, some of which have not seen the light of day, and may never be seen. I've even put up original content over the years in poems, stories, these editorials, and update posts to things II feel were more what I wanted to do, not what I've done. 
   I'm not always accurate, I'm not always organized enough to put up even half of what I promise on, but I have the passion of an obsessed writer. I love to learn something new as often as possible, and I'm lucky, and very thankful to still have the curiosity of a child at times, especially when I feast upon knowledge like it's the newest primordial comeuppance the world has pawed from it's loving gut. It's like that information was made soley for me to devour in a brainy piggish manner. 
  So, with all thwt being said, I'm looking forward towards post 300, I'm excited to see wheree it goes, although I'm thinking it will be falling very, very close to June. So, unless I cannot complete my journalistic duties prior, I will have to make ithe post about E3. However, I want to have posts 301 and posts 302 to be the summary of E3 2016. This year is going to be a serious contender for best E3 ever if my predictions are even close to a tenth of the whole convention, but I'm interested in seeing DLC for Fallout 4. For now, I'm going to continue enjoying my Easter Sunday, and eating myself into a chocolate/peanut-butter coma.  Thank you all for reading this silly little update, and have a wonderful day. Happy Ishtar to my pagan friends, and a Merry little Easter to all of you out there, enjoy your Spring, I have my window open for the first time since December, and my heart is just filling with joy and an urge to dance. 

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