Friday, July 29, 2016

Editorial: Sick of the Same? Or Just Not as Good as I Once Thought?


             I think I'm seriously running out of ideas, and my work is suffering for it. I'd rather fail at something original than succeed at a half-assed topic. I'm. It very proud of my work lately,  out writers wouldn't dare be satisfied with the sort of work I've been producing lately. I'd rather miss a short story post one,mand come back stronger the next month ahead, than deal with the nonsense of this obsession with completion. I've always been bad like that, having not complete something I started, and the irony is I've never really finished anything in the process. Look at any real writer that  Aja's ever succeeded in life, and their true legacy is the work that they left unpublished. That trifling monstrosity of a failed manuscript locked in one of those proverbial old dusty trunks in the foreboding attic. Skeletons in the closet is an understatement to what dwells in the mind of a creative intellectual, and some horrible attempt at garbage that were below part the garbage that actually was shared with the world! 
      My digital library is chocked full of Hal-assed, incomplete manuscripts,both long and short stories, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit that there was a great deal of shame in some of those half-written pages, drumming up a history of poor choices, and terrible malcontent of my own words. 
     Still, I've been thinking of stories I've written that aren't even part of this blog,mandnive been trying hard, and sometimes,from the showcasing of my latest wares, not trying at all to bring you short stories weekly. It's not like it's difficult to wri a half-way decent story in seven days, I've just been running the tank rather low,not feeling as inspired as I should be,mand quite frankly I cannot dare publish another short story that doesn't amaze. 
     I want to write so ething that people like, I want something that people can get behind, and although nothing is ever perfect, it would be nice to finally write something that Is finished.  Maybe I'm just cranky use this week I've been trying too hard to get a story completed, and I've come up short each-and-every time. Still, there is a yearning for me to complete something. Even if I do get it done before Monday scrolls over the horizon, and I've completed a short story to survive another week of something people aren't even counting,  then It'll be back to the drawing board. I'm almost certain I'll be able to finish this week's post, I'm positive this post here will be up around the same time as the actually a Short Story Weekly post. I have exactly fifteen post lt until I was done. That fifteen week, after this one it'll be fourteen, that's nearly four months,  closer to three. October 31st will be the last Short Story Weekly post, and I'm sticking to my guns on it, and I will be sure to put in as much work as I can to make it great. 
    Sure, I could just  go back on my word; I've done it before, I've gone back on my word several times before, saying I'm gonna do one thing,or another, and haven't delivered, but I don't want to do that to my audience. I'm  going to keep writing these short stories, and I'd like to make a disclaimer: I adore writing, and I adore short stories, the likes of H.P. Lovecraft and Ray Bradbury are two of my biggest influences, along with Edgar Allan Poe. I adore short stories, but I'm losing my enthusiasm for creating them, and I'd be too busy with NaNoWriMo to carry them on through, and beyond November. 
     This isn't like having a writer's block, it's more like having writer's drought in one river, while other channels are overflowing with missed oppurtunities. I want to do nonfiction pieces, reviews, and much more. Sure I can doe those alongside short stories, and in many ways I do, but I'm looking forward to being done with these SSWkly posts. I promised change was coming to this blog, and so-far it feels like a lot of the same, if less of even the same! I just feel at a loss at the moment when it comes to writing these stories. 
       For now, I'll definitely stop complaining so much. I'll keep up the  Short Story Weekly posts, and still do other posts, some new topics as they come along, but I'll think of some entertaining, and thought-provoking ideas of blog posts, so I'll leave you all for now, and thank you for reading this post. 

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