Monday, October 24, 2016

Battlefield 1: Review/Thoughts on the Game

For those who may not know, I'm an avid history buff. War and politics are what make up most of our history...that and societal/technological achievements, brought about mostly by the former. World War I is perhaps the most crucial of these modern wars. I'm-fact, it shaped the way then world looks today, and for the most of the 20th century, it had been the defining global event that shaped the course of up to this very day. WWI  left a sour taste in the mouth of the world, and in-terms of shaping countries, and political referendum, it could arguably have been more defining than even World War II. The events that followed the war, lead to many of the outcomes of the Second World War. 
     The War to End All Wars, the First World War, it enveloped all continents. From the sinking of submarines I. The American Stlantic by the Kaiser's Germsny, and the shape of Lenin's Aussie, completely secured from the war, allowing  for the rapid growth of communism, the political/societal shaping of the war was dynamic, brutal, and some of the worst massacring than any war beforehand. Chemical weapons such as mustard gas, and chlorine gas filled the trenches,mreadying to the creation of the gas mask. The flamethrower was used to burn the flesh of men laying in rat-infested holes, bringing about the largest death count of any war in history up until that point. Only overshadowed, by World War II. 
  I recommend watching the docuseries Apocaplyse WWI, which explains all the events leading up to the First World War, and defining the major impacts it had on our world. It uses the actual footage, remastered in color for the first time (as of the time of the documentary) to showcase the horrors. Film was as infantile as nerve gas was at the time, and the bloody carnage of which film grew up in, makes any gore fest horror film look lime a G-Rated cartoon.  Still, this authentic, (as authentic as you can get) take on the war with stellar narration is one that will give you a backdrop of one of the deadliest,bloodiest, and terrifying wars that have ever been fought. It's no surprise that even in comics/video games like The Darkness, World War I is used as a theme, and symbolic representation of Hell. 
     Battlefield 1 is an accurate representation of what World War I was like, it entails the different forms of Warfwre thwt devolved on the battlefield. From trench Warfwre,to dogfights,to tank battles. It covers most, if not all of the kinds of battle that have been fought in the barracks, and on No-Man's-Land. The game 
    The graphics are goregeous on PC, and console, consecutively one of the OST beautifully designed FPS titles I've seen in years. It inherently captures the beauty of the settings of Europe post-industrial, and clambering tanks play like....well, tanks. The story is rippling with character,malthough the dialogue is sometimes campy, disillusioned by generic stereotypes, which aren't even thwt well-.executed. However, a small fault for a game that doesn't rival Call of Duty, it blows right by it with jackrabbit propulsion, leaving even the newest title (Infinite Warefare) looking like a snail knocked over on its side. 
    The graphics in the CGI cutscenes don't look current generation,mthey look superior. The game was nestled, and DICE knew one-thing: you can't mess up a WWI, because it is the easiest war to fail at capturing authentically, and the most rewarding risk to take if it was capable of being pulled off. From the most I've seen so-far,mive seen more multiplayer than campaign, but we know multiplayer is no competition when it comes to DICE, but the game itself is rewarding. It has everything: it even has areas of stealth which were pleas etly surprising,mbut Bsttlefield 1 has always been ore versatile than it's closest competition, this, luckily; has not changed. 
    It seems FPS titles are learning from their former mistakes, the campaign seems decent in length, I'd say a bit over ten hours, depending in your speed/skill, I think it could go as long as twelve, but I've not myself yet completed the campaign mode. I've seen/heard others claim to do it fairly quickly, although I've heard, much-like the MGS series, the campaign will have new missions added every-so-often,mor find ways to expand the game for longer than a few weeks of hardcore playing. Still, I'm looking toward to seeing if the DLC of this game is going to be inclusive, and work in-favor of even potential sequels. As I've said, the campaign mode itself is half-and-half, story is great, graphics are prettier than expected, and dialogue is hit-or-miss. Pretty generic in that way, but the hype behind the title is always going to grow stale faster than the hype the game keeps after launch. I call it the SnakeEater effect: I remember when Metal Gear Solid II: SnakeEater was first shown,  the teaser made us all want the game. It was delayed slowly, and back-then, that was extremely rare. I waited so long for the game, as many had, and by the time I was able to actually play it, the hype was played out beyond even the most disciplined of attention spans. The game was great, but as great as it was, I personally was not nearly as excited to play it, simply because the exhaustion from enthusiasm.
     Battlefield 1 wasn't necessarily delayed, and the hype behind the title came with the sort deserving of Battlefield, yet it wasn't one that mucked itself up with tons of marketing ad nauseum, so there wasn't a lack of enthusiasm once it released. The game is a crucial title in the series, and it truly makes me think that it may become one of the most influential titles in the series. I don't say that willy-nilly, because it's perhaps one of the more impressive FPS Titles, and not being a fan of most first-person shooters, I was very impressed, and if you're a COD player mainly; this is a series you might just want to convert to, although Bad Company is also a good start. 
      The controls are superb,mbut no surprise for Battlefield. It handles well, and from what I can tell, the whole game is going to play sleek. The story is enticing, the graphics are superior, and the sound...oh, the sound is better, in many ways, than even the sound Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan, perhaps one the best audio mixes in film history. The direction of the game is as equal to the former example as well. This game is a holiday need, or just pick it up right now, there is no hype, just a Great War shooter, with so much detail, so much accuracy, it could give you shell shock. So help cut down the Kaiser in this title. 
     Overall, Battlefield 1 is simply good, and probably better than even that. I don't ever recommend FPS titles, and if you're a WWI buff, it's pretty damn accurate, although the amount of guerrilla warfare is added to give more combat depth, the game itself is awesome, simply awesome. It's worth the money, and worth the time, and multiplayer is exciting, so not only does it have depth, it's well-rounded, and DICE delievers where others murky their gameplay.  So I feel 100% secure in recommending this game. If you're looking for a new game to play, this. Is probably the best you're going to get before the end of the New Year. Also: fuck COD.
       Thank you for reading the Malacast Editorial, as always I appreciate everyone who swings by this blog, and I'm humbled by my followers on Twitter as well. To all my new streamer followers, thanks for the follow-back, and I will do my best to update twitter and the blog as often as I can. I will be on hiatus very shortly, but I will have one last editorial before I go, and then I'll be a pant ok until late December/early January. For now, I have several more posts, and next week will be a Short Story weekly Post entited: Beyond the Privwte Place, It a Grieves, a take on Beagle's title: A Fine and Private Place. By January I hope to be streaming my docuseries Mastering the Killer Bee, which will be almost daily,perhaps less. It Demond's on if I can begin streaming early enough, and if I'll have the right equipment. I could just stream through You Tube, but I believe you have to have Playstation Plus to do-so. I'll look into it when I get the chance., or @mcastedtioral to send me a twitter message. Thank you again, and have a great weekend! 

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