Saturday, September 01, 2018

Official NaNoWriMo Announcement

It is officially September 1st, which makes it the unofficial start to Autumn with pumpkin everything, and hot, rich S'mores, but it is also my unofficial start to the NaNoWriMo season. NaNoWriMo has become a very rich and engrained tradition for me, but this year, as opposed to last year where I failed miserably, having taken an entire year of unwarranted breaks and hiatuses, this year, officially, I return to writing, and it will begin officially with writing for  NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month. Since my mother had passed so suddenly, I found it nearly impossible to write, and that's mostly because she was the rock upon which I grew my mountain of work, that feels as shallow as a molehill now that she has left this world. Now, I want to dearly honor her memory and prognosticate my writing capabilities by doing NaNoWriMo yet again, and completing an entire novel in 30 days. For those of you who have followed my NaNoWriMo past experiences, you know. That I usually go above and beyond the 50,000 words, and approximate 90,000 words or more of the total of s full-length novel. Now, I don't normally do second drafts, as I read, re-read, and ignore later flaws that can be fixed at any given time, but the first draft is typically my quasi-final draft. 
       This year is going to be big, it will be my fifth attempt st NaNoWriMo, and my fourth win if I pull it off. I was ashamed with myself for missing last year's NaNo, but this year I plan on truly captivating envy major change in my life, while also focusing greatly on character development, but making sure to build up a solid, albeit, believable story for these well-rounded characters to play in, while also not losing some of the absurdities that make my storytelling so unique. 
       October will be the month I officially sit down and start planning my NaNoWriMo story, but for now, I'm just making an official announcement that I will exorcise any past hells that have kept me from reaching my goals, and that I am coming back to write this story that needs to be told, and told by none other than me. This means I will be returning the NaNoWriMo journal where I track my progress on here day-to-day. I will also be making sure that I am active in either forums or through the website. 
  For now,  I thank everyone for reading, and I will see you all in late October. I go on vacation soon, so most of my writing will be minimal. I know I'm posting late, but it's something I felt obligated to do, in case people where wondering. If I've died or something. Thank you all again for your support. Follow me st! 


Unknown said...

It is great to hear your renewed vigor for writing. It is a good thing that you are using this to honor your mother. I know she would be very proud of you for paying homage to her this way.

Malacast_Agent said...

Thank you!