Any fans of the X-men out there? Perhaps Spiderman? Batman? Superman? Etc? I have grew up naturally with these superhero comic book characters like every other person knew about them at least once. I was just sitting here, and reminiscing on the old cartoon characters/comic book chracters that came out when I was growing up, and it made me wonder, will they make a comeback once again? Although I am not that old, my childhood is ancient compared the upcoming end of my teenage years, which seem to be ending harshly as I have begun to question many things in my life, and to get past the end of teen immaturity and adult maturity. It is a hard, angry, confusing path to walk, but I guess we all walk it, and at thsi very second, I started to think of all the old shows I grew up with, and all the old comics that I knew about and read. I know several have made a comeback, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and other carttons that were on tv, like Sailor Moon, a popular cartoon done in a Japanese animation form.
I remember when Spawn became popular in my area, I was around six or so, and the first Spawn edition came out in comic stores. It was the more graphic comic, including the Maxx, and other Mcfarlene projects. Anyway, I saw so much humanism in it when I was older, and I read it, was dedicated to it, and kept buying issue after issue. I read that, the Amazing Spiderman, Xmen, Wolverine comic, and of course, Ren and Stimpy. I still remember things before my time, that I still watched. Gigantor the robot was from the same creator of Astroboy, and was an active cartoon from the fifties and sixties. They tried to remake it in the 90's, but for some reason, it did not get as big as the old versions. Perhaps that answers my question to whether or not cartoons will be remade. I remember lame, but nevertheless populart cartoon shows like Mighty Max, which was either based off a toy series, or vice versa, and Captain Planet and the Planeteers. I also remember the Ghostbusters cartoon, which was one of my personal favorites next to Bugs Bunny and the Loony Tunes.
What scares me is that some cartoons are re-made, and ruin the originals. I think the new TMNT is terrible, and does not do anything for the original cartoon series. Yet, it is still popular, and I guess the 90's was a weird time to be raised in, because of people in the media messing around with the rules and regulations we would deal with now. Madonna's Sex book, and Sinead O' Conner's tearing up of the now-deceased Pope John Paul II, are times in media breakthroush I have lived through, and perhaps that is why I feel commenting and blatant vulgarity of free speech is not only acceptable, but important to our growing society. Unfortunately, I do not see it as a good thing for the now-growing generation that are trying to refurnish to times where they can find an identity, and this will full-circle to tv, book, media, and for the younger individuals, cartoons/comics/videogames.
Now with violence in media being about the same as in the 90's but for some reason it is more graphic, more surreal, it seems to impact us in a different way. When I see senseless violence on tv through any medium of show, I do not get the same reaction shock that I did less than eight years ago. Nowadays, I get no reaction, because it seems everything is just done to be sick and morbid. Only few shows/movies/etc. give you the feeling of fear through violent acts, and give what the director wanted, and then I feel the way I did when i was younger. I guess with this new war, we are getting more interaction than we ever did with Desert Storm, which I do have some partial memories to, and that war seemed to never be shown as much, nor as terribly as this new threat. I guess also at that time, the Internet was not available to every single person as it is now. Certain wars would make you think of G.I. Joe, showing militants moving into battle with ample respect for their fellow blattalion, and the men they would fight. Now, all I see is an army sperated, and a cowered enemy that kill men like dogs. Perhaps the views of the world have changed, and this change can, and will affect the course of media, and the views of the youth raised around that media. Then again, maybe nothing has changed, only the mental stability of everyone, and we are just being opened up to worlds of violence and realism America has not seen in years. Either way, it had me thinking of my childhood, and I hope some of you were able to see the innocence of youth through my history. Perhaps taste that cone from the Ice Cream man coming down the corner. Or perhaps the public pool, trading card/comic shop, or even the favorite tv show. I hope, for that second, you were able to see your childhood for one moment, than be able to feel some peace of what you have remebered, forgotten, or have yet to recall at this present time.
Enjoy tommorrow, and every day after.
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