Be sure if you decide to send your work for review, not to send the entire work because it could be plagirized. Work is important, and should be held as valuable as gold. but do not be too cautious that you do not attempt to take a chance with your work. Be sure to patent your work as well, and copyright it to your name, and perhaps a very close realitive or friend. This is good so no one attempts to re-create any or all of your work, and you keep all the royalties, all this and more should be covered in the new Writer's Market, but it should not be your only source of inromation. Several other markets like photography, child's literature, poetry,. and short stories/novels/essays are always importnat books to keep alongside your main Marketplace listings. Of course, buying all these and more can be expensive, and take a toll on your wallet, so make sure you know what you are into doing before buying. WARNING: THIS BOOK IS MADE FOR THE SERIOUS WRITER TO HELP GET HIS?HER WORK OUT TO THE PUBLIC, TAKE CAUTION WITH WHAT YOU DECIDE TO PUBLISH, AND TAKE WHAT YOu PUBLISH VERY SERIOUSLY.
picture from:
UPDATE: I have finally received the "Anarchist Cookbook" by William Powell, the second book I own that comes with its own warning label. I must insist that if you own, plan to own, or are as of now reading this book, that should not re-create, or re-enact any of the recipes found within this book. Although most of the recipes are known to be flawed, and it is not smart to test fate. I warn those you you now who see this book, that William Powell's work was done out of a time when the nation was so distraught, it felt a revolution was needed to bring order, peace, and freedom, so this book (and many others like it, such as Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book.") where created in revolt to the American Government. I only suggest owning this book for the sheer history and intrests put forth inside its pages. Again, do NOT RECITE ANY RECIPES FROM THIS BOOK!
I personally have not tried any of them, and do not suggest anyone else try them because it would be very see, most of everything (excluding some drugs that can get you high) listed in this book can get you fined, arrested, or even kill you. I support free speech, and freedom of the press in our country, but I do not support acts of violence led on by these freedoms we cherish so dear. Do not ruin it for everyone else by blowing anything up, besides, this book is flawed, and not as good as many other books like it. The U.S. Government's "Black Book" (Ironically) is a better book for these recipes, and are not flawed due to research by top scientists. I do not own this book nor do I support atempting anything illegal with any of these two books, but either way, the "Anarchist Cookbook" is stull a worthy read in my opinion, and worth checking out from a library or bookstore. As always, you can link directly to Amazon dot com, and buy, read, and even review books directly through my blog by clicking on the right side link.
Picture of the "Anarchist Cookbook" from
Other news: I have found the Delicious Library useful for people like myself who own a shitload of books, and need to keep track of where they are, and found it easy to just scan them into my computer. Delicious Library can be downloaded at, where you need to buy it, but it is worth very much the money you spend on it if you really have a hard time tracking your books. If you are a computer nerd, like I sometimes pretend to be, you can also transfer your book data over to your iPod if you use one. Again, this has been out for quite some time, and a new version will probably be out soon as well, but it is a good little toy to mess around with, and good for putting your books in order, and keep track of them. For more information visit the website, and it will open right up to information to Delicious Library. I have been using it for quite some time, and am still searching for little hacks and things you can do to mess around with it. Again, this is somethnig every book owner should look into, check out the Delicious Library, and tell me how you like it.If you read the help section it says they will not be making a Windows version anytime soon, so this will put a dent on non-Mac Users, but even so, it is still an interesting sort of software that can be tried for free, and is worth taking a whack at. More to come in a later issue.
picture from
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