Politics in this country is not as hot of a topic as sports, but each and every four years, it seems some Americans take intrest. So let's see how this is going to run.... The two big ones: Dems and Reps seem to have their runners: Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democrats, and a possible Newt Gingrich run for the Republicans. Now, these two campaingers seem to be two serious players, but is that all? Of all the gag runners under the Libertarian Party, why is Doug Stanhope willing to follow those footsteps? How come a comedian is running under a party that is really trying hard to make a split in the two-party system? Simply put, Doug Stanhope is an average guy, a regular Joe. Does he stand a chance? No. Aside from being someone famous, no one will ever take this campaign serious, even if it does fit to the party's politics, which neither the Republicans or the Democrats have done well. Both parties have shown they are willing to sway votes by going against their views.
As a Libertarian, I feel that this man is not the best person to run...even if the stuck-up stiffs have done a horrible job campaining for the Libertarians. Pretty Much, Doug Stanhope is not the best guy to do this job, not even close. If I had a choice for the next president, I would go with Guliani, simply because I don't like Democrats, and the Hildabeast (Hillary Clintion) is not good for the job...plus I am sick of hearing thais going to be the "First Black President" or "First Woman President" bullshit. Technically, aspsects may be historical, it does not determine wheter or not the person doing the damn job deserves that job. I am off the politics for now, but whoever cares about this too much, has no life. Bye for now.
It may be up to these three...who are you going to choose? I'm going for the guy in Drag
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