Friday, July 13, 2007

Writer's Market 2008: Your Source for Getting Published Summer Writing Tip #2

The 2008 editions of the Writer's Market, and the Guide to Liteary Agents are here! This time around it is not just a bunch of the old publishing houses/literary agents, but over 6,000 new sources for all your publishing needs. Released last week (July 6th, 2007 to be exact) This newest installment in the "Freelance writer's Bible" has five new sections: Newspapers, Greeting Cards, Playwriting, Screenwriting, and Syndicates). Being an avid lover of this text for inspiring writers, this is perhaps the most convient volume yet! has a good deal for it, where they are selling it alongside the Novels and Short Stories Writer's market, for about $38.00 prior to shipping. I am sure I will have to pick up this deal, and perhaps a few other novelties, like "The Time-Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. Perhaps the most important aspect of this text, is that it will get you published if you are able to put fortht he effort to open it and use it! I have used it before, and came very close to publication, only the magazine I sent to decied to stop running articles, and went soley to Ebooks, rather than print. They also moved their permanent address, hence the story was sent back, and once I've learned they were no longer using print, i gave up on them.
When looking towards the 2008 Writer's Market, one should know that it is important to use this book carefully, for it is as much a book, as it is a tool that will help shape your writing. With sample query letters, sample spacing, and format required to help you get published, this novel is important due to its ability to help one understand the writing world, and the business of becoming published. This work will help you get your writing out to the intended audience, while at the same time getting some money in your pocket. It will be brutally honest on who will pay you the big bucks, and what they expect for their money, and the cheaper publishing houses that will help you get your first works published, leading into the slow, but potential road of becoming a famous writer. A Dexlue Editon of the Writer's Market is out as well, where you get all the new sections, sources, etc. plus you also get a one-year subscription to the Writer's Market website.
The book lists publishers inside the States, as well as in Canada, and some international presses. Mind you, they are not all going after your inteded work, so do not take it as an offense when your work is rejected, because it is more likely they rejected it due to subject, rather than content. For further information, look up the Writer's Market on, or the offical website of the Writer's Market: Stay in touch for more updates at Malacast Editorial, and thank you for the support.

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