If you are a reader of my blog, you'll understand that I am imperfect when it comes to writing. Yes, I explain how one can compose great verses, and how one can write prose well, but even my blogs are in need of criticism. If I've misspelled a word in a prior blog, I rarely go back to fix the mistake, rather I leave it as a mark like blemish or even like that of an imperfection that comes with the embodiment of greatness. For example, I am reading the classic Science Fiction novel: "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card, one of the most imaginative and well-respected writers in the business. In the novel, where the word feet should be, the mistake of leaving the "t" off of the word is proof that even printed/reprinted, and even re-reprinted works have mistakes. Page 222 of the 1991 reprint edition of the novel at the very bottom of the page, shows the mistake as clear as day. Now, does this minor mistake keep me from continuing? No, because I am anxious to finish, and begin on the sequel after reading "Neuromancer" for a college project. After I hand in that project, and if I feel it is worthy enough, I may reprint the entire project on here, for William Gibson's first novel does more than deserve praise from our culture, it should be required reading in the future-is-now High schools were are creating now! Enough about Card and Gibson for now, I will be doing individual posts on Ender's Game later on, and a preview of the up-coming movie based on "Ender's Game" and "Ender's Shadow", destined to hit theaters in 2008.
Writing is perhaps the most fundamental piece of learning that will provide one with a healthy career. True, it's not one of our most important aspects as human beings, as speech is something of a far greater importance when conducting business in the so-called "real world" that we all have to accept to join one day. Since I live in some imaginary world, where rules of time and organization tend to be prone, I do intend to drastically allow my mind to slip deeper into even more unconscious states while preparing for a piece of prose to go public. In an age when originality, and even an age where the remaking of an old great idea is horrible, well it worries me that literature will find that path, and we'll lose the writers of tomorrow. I beg and plead that you take a writing course or two when you have time on writing; even if you're a prodigy, be a learned prodigy.
The biggest fear I have of this culture is the Instant Access/ADHD generation where writers will not be able to write a book over a few months, and stay on subject. It is a fact that the youth do tend to not slow down and admire the more important things in life, and since they have glued themselves to their video games, and their bloody cellphones. I cannot understand it, perhaps I missed the cutoff, or maybe I just am older for my age, perhaps a little wise for my age as well. Nevertheless this tragedy that has become of our culture, is the same that the older generations have had been told by their elders. Nevertheless, we still get great writers, and we still receive amazing, intellectual thought...just that intellectual thought seems to change with time in meaning.
Follow your heart when it come to writing, and allow for not one book on the subject of writing to be your teacher. I only recommend the Elements of Style as a vital part of it, since it is from William Strunk Jr,. a great writer that deserves respect for the fact that he is learned not only on the subject of excellent writing, but that he came up with the politically correct term "Studentry" which sadly is not a replacement for the "cadaverous" "student body" term. I believe that the talent of writing takes years to hone, and much much seclusion in a closed room, with he exclusion of a shy window allowing in air.
A message to the youth writers of the world ( The 10-14 year range) When I started writing, Madonna was apologizing for burning crosses in her videos, so I grew up in that post "!984" cyberpunk/age of technology world, but just prior to being alive before the Internet was invented. I remember having to get my sources from the New York Public Library, and having to look up information in the Library Catalog on an old Apple II computer. I also learned about Library cards in grammar/elementary school before computers made it an easy click, so I recall just what it was like to actually have to feel my sources, to actually turn the pages on books that smelt of saw dust, and that's the way it should be done. Granted this whole cool/new way of looking up technology is going to "Wikipedia" and getting information from that, or editing what you feel is correct information, but I prefer the facts to have some printed backup. Naturally, we all know that even the old books are not written in stone, and theories are proven/disproved as facts/fiction by the hour, but at least try to use a source found in an old textbook. Yes, even fiction needs one to look up. and check their information, and yes, you should make sure your source does not make you look like a fool! I've decided against a podcast, as it is a hopeless endeavor. I even remember when podcasting was created, and I have to laugh at the idea that it was in fact worrying, by worrying I mean "Great! Any asshole with a mic and an ego can make a radio broadcast." Then again, the same thing about blogs could be said, and may be what could have feuded this blog.
Back to writing, well, no, forget it, I'd find it even more annoying to explain something that is so broad as writing. Articulate your thoughts clearly, and you'll be fine! Bullshit! Assertive writing, and aggressive attitude on top of sounding wordy is not intelligent. I hate that word "wordy", since it seems to be used so much in legal speech, you become accustomed to using it in that which is normal writing after reading several cases. (note the wordy sentence I made on purpose as a point.) Well as of now, it's reaching towards 3:00 in the morning, and sadly, I think it's time for me to amscray so as not to be too tired in the morning sunrise (note the wordiness, redundancy, and utter egotistical asshole-esque attitude...avoid!). Oh, use Pig Latin with some satirical twist if you do use it at all.
On an Unrelated note:
Since I have found Youtube several years ago, I have been an avid user of the site, mostly trying to get whole episodes of my favorite old shows as a child, but alas, I've found that it can be useful. I've decided that I may create a small vlog ( video log) that will be updated occasionally. with a small post every now and then on either a novel, music, etc. any form of entertainment that is interesting, if not noteworthy. I usually give an interesting perspective, so please stop buy and see what I have to say. So stay informed by coming back for more information on that news.
As always thank you again for supporting the Malacast Editorial, and I hope you find the blog insightful. If not, you could help fix the fuck-ups by commenting on current posts.
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