Many streamers will play games forfeiting money for charity, and it's quite an enticing phenomena: that some guy sitting on his studio spare to couch, can raise millions of dollars in charity just by commenting on a decaying video game. The fact that this phenomenon is happening on s yearly basis, proves that it isn't just a trend, and hasn't slowed down its rapidly-growing pace. The philanthropist mentality for raising money by essentially doing nothing but connecting not the Internet, is changing how we donate. It doesn't cost much to host a gaming event, other than the basic costs for internet connectivity, gaming price, and a decent camera. Compared to those big expensive galas for charity, these small no-tie events seem cheaper, more effective.
I'm s strong proponent for gaming for charity. Streamers like Markiplier, PewDiePir, and Good Gsmes Done Wuick we just s few of the examples of great charity streamers. I like this selfless giving back for the success maintained from streaming, and the amount of money raised reaches into the millions, if not tens of millions. This is insanity, and whether you agree with the people playing, or you think it is imbecilic that people get money for doing what everyone else can do for free, just remember we pay billions of dollars to people to play a children's sport in baseball.
Still, these streamers are very much into the charities they are helping, and the bulk of the money is going directly to the charity for helping childhood cancers, hospitals, and the underprivileged. The trend of charity streaming isn't necessarily a new one, there have been times where gamers have come together to raise money, but up until recently they were far-and-few in-between.
I simply find it fascinating that we live in w time where people raise millions by playing marathon run-through. To think that we now have people watching video games as sports, and being able to maintain a serious play through while raising money for charity, I mean this has b en going on for a while now, but millions of dollars over just a few hours showcases that we all can get involved and get money raised for important charities.
I think this is a good thing. I'm impressed by the amount of people who tune in, and give, we must have some of the most charitable people right now, and that's s good thing, and I support it! You can support to by watching Goood Games Done Quick on You Tube and Twitch. Just like and share it to your friends if you cannot personally support it, because it's for w great cause in supporting multiple charities, e.g., St. Jude's Children's hospital, the ASCPA, and other major charities that need help.
For more information, look up Good Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, and Awesome Games Done Quick.
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