I'm doing. Best to post weekly, if not tri weekly as I used to but I'm also taking time to prepare for other major events that come with the Spring and Summer seasons. The reason I do these posts are to keep w schedule, and so my long-time readers can easily read what they want, and when best to expect it. I don't do mailing lists, which I find are nothing more than forced junk, and I do use Twitter, but that isn't necessarily reaching everyone who comes directly to the Malacast Editorial. So here is the schedule for the the Spring and Summer. A quick note that some of the posts can likely change weeks, pending on upcoming events. So here is the list of posts you can expect in the upcoming months. If you do not want to know what's coming up, you should stop reading now.
Week 1: Wrestlemania Post: My Thoughts on the Pay Per View
Week 2: Outlier Post
Week 3: Story of the Month
Week 4: interview: Exclusive Discussion on my novel The Divine transcript of the interview done by Edgar Holves
Week 1: Editorial: Summer Reading
Week 2: Outlier Post
Week 3: Second Editorial: Why You Need to Watch Turner Classic Movies
Week 4: Story of the Month
Week 1: List: Top Five Things I Want at E3 2017
Week 2: Outlier Post
Week 3: Story of the Month
Week 4: E3 2017: Review/Thoughts and Insights on This Year's Convention
Week 1: Editorial: Summer Movies Disucssion
Week 2: X-Games Post
Week 3: Outlier Post
Week 4: Story of the Month
Week 1: Outlier Post
Week 2: Story of the Month
Week 3: List: 5 Things You Must Do Before Summer's End
Week 4: Editorial: Fall Reading
As of now, this is the schedule for the blog, unless something comes up, redaction will be made, but I'm doubtful these post will be subject to change, there a no precise dates, as with the prior posts, and I can likely assure extra posts other than the several mentioned. If I'm able to get online daily, I'll post daily, as I did back in early 2006. I'll also be livestreaming video if applicable. Regardless, I'll be ready to adjust when the time comes.
I'd like, at this time, to explain the outlier posts. The first one was distinctly about the paranormal, more apt, my views on the paranormal, and the supernatural more precisely....these posts are non-specified, because they are not connected to average post to the blog, in-order to be. A fresh perspective. Like Short Story Weekly, and its successor Story of the Month, these post are to bring fresh, and unique material to the blog. As of now, I don't know precisely what they will entail, but each will allow for a generation deal of freedom on s blog where I've been quite rigid these past few years. With conventions such as E3, those dates are subject to change as well depending on circumstances, if I have to do it week 3 instead of week 4, those redactions will be made at the time.
Thank you, as always for your intent and support of the Malacast Editorial. I'm looking forward to this yesr's E3 especially, and I'll make sure to do a whole 3 days of coverage like last year, and each conference. Lastly, I will just like to say that I will be doing as much as I can to make this blogger site one of the best that exists. I expect to hit four hundred posts by the end of the year, if not sooner. I also expect hit five hundred even sooner. By the end of 2019, I should have well over six-hundred posts, I may even have completed the aforementioned number of 666 posts that I've promised to finish this blog with, and that itself will be hear sooner the expected. I believe all things have w beginning, and an end, and I believe all things should end, because that is how things go.
For now, I'll do my best to bring you above par posts, and all the intelligent observations I can that for the blog site. I'm passionate about writing, and this is ever the endurance, ever the struggle of words and overcoming lapses in thought. This crazy little blog has started strong, almost changing its facade in a way that makes me question what it's all about. Still, this week, you get two blogs, not week is one sweet story, and it's called: Accursed the Rising Sun, which will be the first brand-new, original story of 2017. I put a good deal of time into it, and it'll be a great start to where I left off in October of 2016. If it does well, I'll do my best to continue this trend until I get to the final post of the Malacast Editorial. This is not say post 666 is going to be a story necessarily, but I will do these stories for as long as possible. Thank you always for the support, and have a wonderful week!
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