Let's take a second and talk about paradoxes: ratings are there to warn you of what's in a game. The ESRB was designed to make sure your precious little children haven't seen something that is too real. I get it, we need to protect kids from reality, yet they now see so much graphic violence and hatred on a daily basis, we worry about the fake stuff that is designed to take away from reality, not add to it, and of. Or use the blaming of games in the mentally ill....not a fair observation. Regardless the ESRB has a rating system of E-AO, i.e., Everyone-Adults Only.
The former being a game that anyone can play, especially children, the latter being for anyone aged 18 and over. The AO rating is bullshit. If your game is so terrible in its content, and gets this rating, it will never see commercial sale...or any sale at all! How un-American is it that the ESRB, a systematic group of people we didn't elect, but speak for us as adults on what is best for us to enjoy, have forced these stipulations in games and literally kill them in the water. Now I'm not against ratings, but they can literally kill a game, and it's all political, where something is allowed because someone's parents didn't do their damn job.
AO ratings mean your game is doomed, yet is it fair that systems such as Sony, Microsoft, and even most PC developers and producers are going to tell us that they know what's best for the average adult gamer. Granted the M, or Mature rating gets away with murder these days, and the pun was definitely intended, but I find it shocking that in a game like GTA V I can kill almost anyone I see, but the second you have sex with another character, that's where the line is drawn. So it's okay to kill hundreds, if not thousands of lives, but it's going to ruin the youth of America if their avatar tries to create a life through the natural course?!
I love violent video games like anyone else, because it's a step away from reality, and the story and dialogue are (usually) quite entertaining! So don't get me wrong; GTA isn't my whipping boy, but what's really annoying is what gets canned, and what is given a Mature rating. I don't think a game like Dark Souls should be rated M, a hard T, or Teen makes sense, because if you play Dark Souls, and find that to be bad for a teenager, then I truly lived in the greatest times for video games, mind how now we live in an age of mental pussies.
AO Games should be available to the public, they should be advertised, and sold where games are sold, and they should be allowed for adults like myself. Now if those games aren't up to part, or aesthetically designed, if they're just pure shit, then yes, maybe they should fail, but don't cut down the cow before it can chew its cud! This means let the game fail before you bring it tot slaughterhouse and mince it to oblivion. There's nothing I can do to win this battle, but maybe I'm in the minority. Should games get even more violent? No, I'm not sure they should, but story has always counter-balanced the violence in most modern games. Take the latest scapegoat: The Walking Dead. People hated what happened at the beginning of the show, it was "too graphic", but I thought by staying true to the comic, at least in regard to Glenn, it was a smart move, and I was perfectly fine with it..at least in storytelling.
So now we have people saying that it was too much, but who has the rig to make that decision? I rather defend what is unsavory, then live in a world whe something I love offends someone, then is banned because people can't stomach something outside their comfort zone. News flash! I'm not here to make you comfortable, in-fact my entire existence may very well make you uncomfortable, but guess what? You don't realize that as much as I oppose you, you in-turn equal,y oppose me, and upset me,mic not more. Do I take away your sacked cows? No! I don't take away your precious love of all things shiny and happy, but I'll make you cling to those shiny bright illusions more with my brash reality.
The main reason we need to seek AO titles is because even if the minority play them, they have a right to play them, even if they fail via the market, but don't force the market to reject what could make money! It's not capitalism to keep games from being sold solely on their content! Especially as anything in them is completely, 1000% fantasy! Graphic books, films, and even w.r.t. we destined to be created and hung, but there's nothing better than watching people try to defend smut as art, and then we get into the argument that one wi good, the other is wrong.... It both vary in their positive and negative areas! Society sucks in-that it never progresses proper,y, but it also doesn't use common sense any more. We should just give AO games a chance, and if the market sees them fail, not because of a self-imposed ban, then let them fail with the proper dignity a bad idea fails!
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