Anyhow, "Phantom Limb" is a cd that comes close to what you can expect of a great Pig Destroyer album. This is pure grindcore, and leaves nothing out of the imagination/ Perhaps a prime exacmpple of a decent grindcore band not from the eighties, Pig Destroyer's "Phantom Limb" is perhaps their best cd after "Prowler in the Yard". Pig Destroyer's violent lyrics, and fast blast beats almost make it the genre Death Metal, but the vocals are where the true mastery of grindcore appeals to the fans. This album reminds me much of early Napalm Death (pre Diatics) and much reminds of me of what I love about Pig Destroyer. The guitars are cleaner, as are the vocals from their last album. The only downside of this album is that it can get somewhat repetitive, and it can drag in the areas between the middle of the album, but aside from tiny flaws, it is perfect. I recommend this album for anyone who wants to get into the grindcore sub-genre, or who is already a fan of the sub-genre. This album was released just about a week ago, and is worth picking up at your local record store,, or the iTunes store.
image from Cover to the Pig Destroyer album "Phantom Limb". Buy this CD at the ITunes Store for only $9.99, or for $14.98 new, or as low as $9.50 for a used copy.
For samples of their music, check out their official mypsace page at There you can here tracks from the newest cd "Phantom Limb" released June 12th 2007.
If you have never heard of Pig Destroyer before, I do recommend you pig up their "Prowler in the Yard" and "Phantom Limb" together. Other albums from Pig Destroyer include: "Painter of Dead Girls" and "38 Counts of Battery";both older, but excellent albums worth owning. You will find these albums, and more from the above-named artists at the mentioned stores in the above paragraphs.
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