Thursday, July 07, 2011

EntroPhenom Radio Show to be Posted Very Soon

Malaast Agent here, I have3 been discussing for some time doing what everyone was doing,meaning podcasts, vlogs, etc. Yet despite these failings of never delievering the goods,I have decided to team with a good friend of mind, Mr. Edgar Holves, and create a radio Internet SHow. This is the next big step for the both of us, and although we both feel the first few episodes will need some tinkering, we plan on having live video feeds in the future. I am also looking into creating a skype profile in order for skype users to voice chat for free, and for telephone callers to have a toll-free number to call in for questions and comments.
Much thought and work has been put into both marketing and determining the ideas of this radio show, but I am hoping that the variety of topics will interest those who have trafficked this site in the past. If possible I will be posting the shows up later today, but expect them up on either this site, or linked through facebook in the next week.
The first show is a 4th of July special, and the second show is a variety show where we dicuss everything from politics, to cats. Shows three, four, and five will be rounding out the month, while shows six through ten will lead us into the Fall.
For more information on the EntroPhenom Internet Radio Show, and other reviews, previews, and podcasts/radio shows in the future, feel free to check back here at the Malacast Editorial, and don't forget to follow this blog on Twitter @mcasteditorial. I'm also on Facebook, so add me as a friend: My name appears there as Malacast Agentt, because it wouldn't reconize the last name any other way. I will be adding much more to the Facebook page, with internvews, previews, and other video sources. They will be linked here as well for those who do not have Facebook.

Thank you as always for supporting the Malacast Editorial, I will have much more to post in the upcoming months, I am focused greatly on thsi radio show, but I will have some video game reviews coming up, including an in-depth Mortal Kombat 9 review, a Twisted Metal Review when the game is released, and I am planning on seeing Captian America: The First Avenger, so I will most likely review that movie as well.
Again, Thank you for following me on Twitter, and I hope the radio show will entertain you, the second its posted, you'll hear about it first on Twitter, and only here at the Malacast Editorial

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