Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good News!

After careful consideration, I've decided on which website I've planned to build the EntroPhenom Internet Radio Show on, and I have the link. There is as of this moment no posts, or radio show uplinked yet, but with a matter of days I should have everything up an running, including a two-hour retro show coming up this week! After I configure everything, and my co-host Edgar Holves and I meet to record, the first three official shows should be up and running in a matter of no time! I thank you all for your patience, and I appreciate everytone who not only reads this blog, and follows me on twitter, but for all those who take the time out to post commetns on the blog. Thank you again for reading the Malacast Editorial, and expect to see new posts up and ready in a matter of days. I also believe Edgar will be posting here shortly too, as I am glad to have more than one person working on this blog. Over 100 posts strong, and the Malacast Editorial has done well for this little site. I thank Blogger also for featuring the blog several times, and I am hopeing to push this blog to its limits in the upcoming months.
Thanks to everyone again, and have a great day, despite the obscene tempetures around the States. Also thanks to all my readers in Germany, Russia, and South America, your support is just as crucial for this blog.

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