Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Preview: Post 8 of 10 of Preview-A-Palooza!

    Another Metal Gear Solid title has been keeping fans over exhausted with fandom for the past few years. Despite playing Metal Gear Solid IV once through (trust me, you only need once) I'm curious to see if this game is going to be nothing more than a glorified movie to show off the PS 4's power, or be an actual game that was fun to play through like the first three games in the solid series. By-the-way, I know this is also coming out for XBOX One, but something tells me that it will be less impressionable on that system. 
      Sure I can bring all the Microsoft hate that I can muster, because the company is simply we etched in my opinion. Sony "won" this console war, and good for them, because most say they aren't innovative enough,mbut let's face it: they have the backers, and they bring the better bang for one's buck. Though I think MGS V isn't going to be so much buck for that bang. You see, the game looks stunning....but is it a game, or a movie? Is it going to be filled with nonsense storyline, or will it be relevant to the plot that has hooked so many fans? 
     I've been a fan of MGS since the first game, felt it was a revolutionary for the time. Stealth games were limited back then, and few were good. Thief, and Tenchu: Stealth Assassin are probably two that stand out, and Dishonored for the more recent systems has proven that the need for a stealth game is still volatilein this era of gaming. 
     Still, MGS V has the inclination of being sophisticated as a game, but sophomoric and cornball as much of Hideo Kojima's games have been in the past. Kojima is a weird guy, and I don't mean that as a compliment. He is very megalomaniacal, and it forces the hand to wonder just what he intends to do with Silent Hills. Still, it'll be better than whatever past failures have come from that franchise. The problem is this is the fifth game in the series, and I'm. It sure it's a game that was necessarily needed. Revengence was bad, MGS IV might as well have been Heavy Rain, and the games themselves are great, but pre-nine-eleven, now they seem less bold, and that saddens me. MGS V just might be a thousand hour romp through the Middle East and Africa, trudging along the way to be both corny, and pretty, but will it make the grade? We'll know in about a month or two. 

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