Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mirror's Edge 2 (Working-Title) is Looking as Sharp as a Blade Post 6 of 10 Preview-A-Palooza!

Mirror's Edge: awesome title, and one of the breakthrough games that made last generation consoles exciting, and fun. I loved this game, and although the simple story of a sister's love for her younger sibling can touch the hearts of most people, the game itself was radical, and could not have come at a better time. The game was out when parkour and free-running were at their height, and that meant the game was a sleeper for a while, but then it became a fan favorite. Like Dead Space, which spawned two sequels on the same console generation, fans were rabid as to why the game that focused on speed, agility, and subduing trained enemies was left in the dark. 
     The sequel to Mirror's Edge is coming: and it will be fantastic. It has to be, because the very little I've seen, was instant nostalgia to six years back, and it had me wanting more. The title is probably going to be Mirror's Edge 2 _INSERT-GENERIC-SUBTITLE-HERE_ which sadly is unoriginal, but at least I know form what I've seen! they having changed much of the formula, and that's perfect. I would like to see actual gameplay footage, but that will be a blessing to see before E3. Then again,I'm. Of sure if this game will even release this year, but speculations are that we will be playing this by holiday season. Maybe sooner. 

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