As mentioned in a previous post, I suspect a new Twisted Metal game to be announced either later this year, or right in time at Sony's Press Conference at E3. Twenty years is a long time for a game about cars that kill each other in total destruction and amassed wreckage. I was excited to see just what would be announced early on, and let's face it, Twisted Metal is one of those games thwt whether you love it or hrs it, you sorely want to play it, because it's nostalgic, and still a very unique concept, working well on both paper, and in practice. You can tell the love I have for this series is real, as I've Had the icon of a Sweet Tooth as my profile picture since day one. I've never stopped loving the game with a psychotic clown driving an ice cream truck, and lobbing napalm cones of icy goodness at the most wicked cars ever devised.
David Jaffe is a psychotic genius at work on some of the most iconic games in creation. He's worked on a God of War, along with Twisted Metal, cementing his legacy in the gaming industry for an eternity. Still, Twisted Metal was his first professional, and albeit, commercial success in gaming,mso it must hold a special place in his heart, despite the former title not being as well received as past games.
The PS3 version of a Twisted Metal was a cool idea, I mean it really was something special, it had taken the idea of MMORPG, FPS, and combined it with Hollywood stunt driving of the likes that would make for the biggest blockbusters in history. The problem was that it was defaulted by gameplay that was old as Twisted Metal: World Tour. Say what you want about games as old as time like Mortal Kombst, or Super Mario even,mbut at least most developers have put in the effort to change gameplay, controller layouts, and graphics to be up to par with current gen systems. twisted Metal of r PS3 wasn't able to fulfill on many promises, but it's far from a crapshoot experience. The game was fun, and it inevitably was a canonical successor to the games I've played as a child. But even Twisted Metal has had games thwt went beyond the same generic sequel-making machine, and I've always applauded that, even if the end result was mortifying in execution.
Could a Twisted Metal on the PS4 be the answer? Could it be a game that actually brings a cause for celebration to the franchise? Or will it be another flop, and end the series for good? With a host of major fighting games coming out in the near future,me oiled this game go by the wayside,more will it have to evolve to move past the contested spot of fighting genre, and move into a whole different niche?
Although there is little-to-no speculation over whether there will be another installment into the Twisted Metal franchise, this could be a good sign, as the franchise does need some time to recuperate, but also for the car combat subgenre of fighting games to be revamped for the eight generation consoles. Seeing as consoles themselves are at war with even existing, I may be brighter to make the hypothesis that perhaps an iOS version of Twisted Metal would be a far safer best for money. Although there is much discussion over E3, the lack of console titles that we AAA, and not just some indie title that can be bought for ten bucks off Steam, or one of the console stores. Could this be the last stand for console superiority with a first party title like Teisted Metal for Sony? Or will we see the inevitable downfall of big budget games, and me wasting my money on a Playstation 4, because I'd have just purchased a tablet that will have all the major titles on it anyhow?
Twisted Metal is wrought with success and failure, well beyond that of other franchises, it has been a rollercoaster ride of good and bad decisions. Perhaps the best-laid-plans for this series' future will be decided on tablets, and PCs, rather than the consoles it stemmed from, thus ushering in a new evolution of ways to discover this franchise two decades later.
Twisted Metal does hold a special place in my heart as a gamer, because it was the first game I picked up for my PSX, other than Crash Bandicoot, and it had me hooked for life. Sadly, as a fan of the game, I've not been able to have many new chances to praise this franchise, but we will all see if I'm correct about E3 this year, and thwt we will see some accolade paid to this console-defining franchise.
Thank you for reading the MalacastEditorial! for Malacasf Agent for Edgar Holves
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