Wednesday, March 25, 2015

PT Thoughts, and My Opinion on Hideo Kojima Leaving Konami


This little game has set the gaming world a ablaze with wonder and passion for Silent Hills which is grown too big for its own britches. The game has den so overhyped by the immense response, and I couldn't be happier for it to be honest. I love that people are psyched beyond recognition for Silent Hill, because it beats people saying: Silent What Now? Good thing too, because I said this game series would not survive without a revival, and seeing this game hasn't had a legitimate game that was worth playing in so long, I see many horror story elements being plotted into the game, whereas the avant-garde is being given an overhaul, so the game is actually going to be the best of what we all expect it to be. 
      P.T. Is a great example of what Silent Hills could be, what do t should be, and what it must be to survive. The question is do we want to play a game that is exclusively first person, or should we go with traditional third person perspective? 
With the recent news of Hideo Kojima's release from Konami, I must say, I was a tad disappointed  to see such a great talent, and despite many naysayers, a great storyteller go by the wayside to the a Silent a hills project. Most of you may recall that Hideo Kojima was a big part of the new game, but some others lead to speculation over what his role was actually supposed to be in the game. 
  In-truth, I'm not precisely sure what his role was supposed to be, but I'm quite sure that a Silent a hills is going to suffer without him on point for it's development. Konami has treated the Silent a Hill franchise like a mad dog that has fleas, and can on,y scrounge up pennies for the company. They treat Silent a hill fans like they're nonexistent, almost ashamed to have them, and yes, they once had a commercial title that rivaled Resident Evil of Capcom, but now Resident Evil has gone so far to remove itself from the likes of Silent a Hill, because of the survival horror concept going downhill.
     Konami should listen to the public, who love to be scared, and love games thwt in-turn scare them, as games like a Dead a Space, Amnesia, and even the infamous Five Nights at Freddy's trilogy, even (dare-I-say) Minecraft, has shown an importance towards the survival horror concept? Even major titles like Fallout have had horror influences that people often get utterly creeped out to play, and yes, I love a game that makes me think twice of going down a scary black pit to oblivion. 
     Kojima was a savior for this title, and with his recent release, this will be good for gamers, but bad for Silent Hill fans. Silent Hills was destined to reinvent the franchise, and still has the ability to do-so, but will it have the finesse, the panache that Hideo Kojima was going to bring, which made PT so damn interesting?  Perhaps it will be fine, as Kojima is just one man, but I feel that he really was the last saving grave to make this game go mainstream, thus bringing on several thousand more fans to the community that was hardcore and minor, but loyal to the brand to the end. 
     As a fan of the series, I think the game will eventually morph into something else, kind of like what Silent Hill: The Room, was meant to be. Sure, s lot of people hated Silent Hill 4, but I liked it because it was daring to be different, and the story was so creepy, and was perfect for the time it was released. Ju-On, or the Grudge had released, and underrated games like Fatal Frame, and my personal favorite, Siren were advancing Japanese horror to the western mainstream.  Silent Hill 4 wasn't the best, but being hooked from the first three titles,mi gave it a chance,mind it sadly went downhill from there, until PT made us all believe again. 
    Now with Kojima out of the picture, we are left wondering just what is the future for Silent Hills, and if the Fox Engine is going to make or break try quality of the game. Personally, I just finished Alien: Isolation, and found the game amazing to play, and terrible in most other aspects. Yet it reminded me why I am a gamer, because story is crucial, but not everything has to be told like it's a play on a stage. 
     If Silent Hills could be more about context, and not-so-much content, then I'm certain it will not fail, even if I were to direct it. The game is a crapshoot, it was even with Kojima at the speculated helm. The point is that Konami goes and makes one of the biggest, most intelligent marketing strategies in the history of gaming, then goes and releases it's brightest star. 
    My hopes is a company like Sega picks up Hideo Kojima, because I would love to see him work on the Alien series, or even do something completely, altruistically original, and Sega being a place that has sunk to the depths,now pulling themselves up slowly, cascading towards newer heights, it would be nice to see Kojima developing titles that are original, while no-holds-barred innovation flies from out his intense creativity, and unrealistic work ethic. 
      Still, this leaves Silent Hill fans the biggest losers of this whole debacle. We know how Konami treats us, and honestly I feel like they should just sell the damn IP to a company that would do something of value to it, rather than let it lie in a destitute state of misery, and treat us all with such malcontent. On the podcast, Voices in the Static, I heard mention of perhaps a company like  Rocksteady to give the title some tender loving care. 
  I would personally enjoy seeing a production studio like Telltale Games take the series over as well, because they have killed it with The Walking Dead, and the Jurassic Park series. Still, that's comparing apples and oranges, but as a fan, any sort of reinvigoration to the series that wasn't dysfunctional would be met with optimistic anticipation, rather than some rushed excuse for a treacherous game that isn't jovial to play, and frankly, frustrates the gamer who truly sees more potential in the series than the developers who claim to respect their franchise. 
    If I could start a kickstarter to buy the rights to the Silent Hill franchise, so I could develop the next title with a team of people as obsessed with the title as myself,mi would, and I would make it AAA, but seeing as I still have to see what becomes of a Silent Hills before truly passing judgment, and extreme like that isn't as necessary now as it would be perhaps four years in the future. 
    Not-to-say I'd do any better or worst than anyone else working on a Silent a Hill, but my point being is at my focus, and my desire would be there from day one, all the way up to the release of the game. Maybe that's because I love the idea of what this series could become, and personally, I don't think that even a Konami has thwt fire in it's belly for this series. 

Anyway, let's all hope that Silent Hills is going to be as awesome in it's own way, that PT was, which I've played now in the high double digits. 

Thank you for reading the Malacast Editorial. 


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