Rumor has it that Mortal Kombat X will be postponed on the PS 3 and Xbox 360..... I guess th really, really want you to buy a new system, because if they can do that with this game, just wait until your hard-bought preorders are pushed back to the end of time.
Granted, I have a PS4 now, and I still have my PS 3, because I still like to play the old Bstman games on it. Also, there are just some games you can only get on the older system. Still, to hurt those who didn't run out and buy a new systems just yet, I find that very, very insulting to everyone who preordered on last generation consoles. Apparently if you own an older system, the future is obviously saying you are going to be paying dearly for your lack of brand loyalty by not rushing out for the latest and greatest titles. The irony of that is that there are now less exclusives to current systems as there were to the seventh generation consoles. This leads to the obvious point I've made multiple times before: why even upgrade if the game you're spending sixty dollars on to play on an eight-generation console is also on a seventh-generation console, and much, much cheaper? Why even push for newer hardware,when you're not showing me a difference in experience!
Thankfully I didn't buy The Order: 1886, which is seen as a major selling point, but I find that both systems are striving for nothing, they don't seem to care about pushing software, and although I'm still the proponent for Sony, which is winning it's third, yes I said it; third consecutive "console war", they have done nothing to truly showcase the system's performance, except that it can only play movies with the official Playstation liscense, as seen with The Order: 1886. Yet, Microsoft seems to be doing what Microsoft does best: pandering to it's fans with broken hardware, rehashed box art to games that were barely fun to play the first time. Now they are going out of their way to ruin Minecraft, and will succeed handsomely because "Notch" sold out, and you the gamer will pay for it.
Sorry, I'm going off on multiple things here, The point being is that your metaphorical jewels are now in the vice grips of those who want more of your money, for not only shadier quality, but for nearly existing! Such a millennial outlook! Wanting all your praise and money, for a tenth of the work!
I'm finished with games for now, discussing them anyhow, because Bloodborne is out, and everyone is playing thwt, not reading a blog complaining about "back in my day, games meant something!" Grandpaesque rants. I saw a bit of Bloodborne, someone told me to play Dark Souls, but they also told me to get Demon Souls when that first came out, because both games were two of the hardest ever developed. I was also told to try out Mass Effect, but that too I left off my lost of games. You see,mi don't play a game because someone tells me I should. I play a game because I want to, and frankly, it's the same reason I didn't get Dragon's Dogma, of a host of other titles. Yet, I ran right out and played Deadly Premonition without hesitance, and loved it immediately. The same goes for Catherine.
Certain games are appealing to me, while others are asinine to the point of why even bother? Still, I've had enough, and until a host of games release this upcoming year, I'm intrigued to see what the summer has to offer, other than Mortal Kombat X which should've been out in two weeks, I'll just look forward to playing Alien: Isolation on hard, which will probably take me most of this year to complete.
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