Friday, May 22, 2015

Fallout 4 Predictions, and Personal Wants for the Series

I'll be bringing Short Story Weekly back next Friday, because forth day , I'm publishing  a special pre E3 post about Fallout 4, which is expected to be shown at this year's Expo. Enjoy! 

Because it's the biggest event (I'm America, that is) for video games, I cannot help but talk about E3, and give my own predictions on what to expect for the upcoming games, hardware, and all-around gaming industry. I'm not certain if I'll be doing a ton of these prior to E3, I've already done several, not including this one, but being a huge fan of Fallout, and Bethesda overall, and seeing I've written one of the longer reviews of Fallout 3 that I've come across, ( I still search out walkthroughs and reviews to this day.) I figured I'd give my educated guess on what you can expect to see for Fallout 4. 
     Firstly, Fallout 3 had a stellar cast of characters, even Liam Neeson voiced the father character, and that was sweet all by itself, but what made the game ascertainable as one of the best on the last generation consoles and PCs, was the stories surrounding the main story. I kind of find it ironic that the exact same reasoning can be used to claim the faults in New Vegas, as the main story was okay, but the weird stories surrounding it were either over-the-top, or barely made me interested. Even the one mini confrontation in Fallout 3 with the whack job asking you to turn over the naughty niightwear in the sewer was hysterical, and a welcomed wtf moment. Also, the references to every classic Sci-Fi/horror story made, from Them! to an entire building dedicated to Lovecraft was done with such love, and respect, the game lived up to the expectations of every Fallout fan. So for obvious predictions like story, Easter eggs, etc. I'll simply say that it's a shoe-in that this game will have some minor and major references, because all the other games have paid tribute in one form or another to other areas of Sci-Fi fandom. 
    That-being-said,  my predictions for Fallout 4, other than we'll get an actual sneak peak of it at E3, measure from simple, to outrageously complex. I've played Fallout 3 for more hours than I've played any other game in my life, although Dark Souls is probably going to rival that. Anyway, fallout 4 claims it won't take place in D.C., even though the first three games took place in, or around D.C., but I still think this particular game will still be in the Northeast, because it may just be a direct sequel in the same time and locale, as New Vegas was quite a few years after a Fallout 3, and that game was more a spin-off, rather than a true sequel. 
    Lots of people are saying New York, Boston, even Chicago for another game, but something tells me thwt Fallout 4 will probably take place in a more historical city like Philladelphia, or even the aforementioned Boston, but seeing how Boston is laid out, I don't see many people wanting to walk the entire Freedom Trail to unlock quick travel, but I personally wouldn't mind seeing how a city so spread out could be a setting for Fallout. Still, I don't see much need to get all excited about a particular setting, as gameplay matters most, as the wasteland they choose to throw us in is going to look like a wasteland. I think there will be a bit of an upgrade to the personalization of the character cheesier, I think it will be a complex one that was similar to Playstation Home, and I have a sinking feeling online capabilities are coming, whether the critics cry "nay!" or not. 
    I also believe that if we see going to see characters like the Antagonizer again, it's going to be like little Easter eggs, although I loved that costume, and the ghoul mask was awesome, but made the game a bit too easy.  I'd love to see more customizable weapons, or even something out of Dead Space 3 or Borderlands where I can even upgrade and evolve the weapons I pick up, I did like the easy conditioning system, but I'm wondering if they will expand on it so I could add teddy bears to every mini nuke I launch. 
     I do believe we will see a more hands-on, interactive environment, as I'm sure we won't be just playing the game, we'll be going into millions of side quests, and even some random buildings thwt really don't have a point to them, but unlock, or house something wicked, unique, and inherently Fallout. I'd personally like to see better character design, although I must also say the characters in 3 weren't nearly as horrific in design, or in mechanics as other games of the same caliber.  I would also like to say that Fallout 4 is most definitely going to include new companions, or go the Dwrk Soul route,  and have companions join via a multiplayer situation. Still, having a random computer buddy join me on a quest was fun, especially Fawkes, because the rest were kinda shit in comparison.  Although it was always fun to make him wait in Megaton, then blow it up, kinda sick and twisted, but it was fun nevertheless. 
     Also, I think we will see another alien scenario, as it's a big part of the experience, but I was hoping thwt the game itself was going to have a bit of a shocker, and go completely opposite and have the game take place in one of the middle states. I also hope the perks, which will most likely return,will have more unique affects that weren't as diverse in 3, but way to diverse in New Vegas. Again, New Vegas to me was fun, it was kooky, and it was even a mixed blessing, but I personally was not a fan, and found it ridiculously short for a full Fallout game. I'd have deemed it more a large DLC that could've replaced the Pitt, and Broken Steel, both of which could've been lost without a second though of being missed. 
      Which brings me to's going to happen, and there will most likely be some special edition released like two years after-the-fact of Fallout 4, and it'll either be worth it, or not worth it, but overly expensive. Such is DLC though, and sadly, it makes me wish I could just buy it all on one disc. 

    So other predictions/wants for Fallout 4:

     I want it to pretty much be like Fallout 3
     I want the game to be finished, out of the box! This goes for all games coming out in the future. 
    More guns, more exploring, but make it feel more real, because the time passing was never seriously as realistic as it could be. 
   I want a hardcover mode that actually makes the game hardcore! Harder and more my style. 
   I  love the switching between first and third person, and expect that in future games. 
  Need to have a dog companion, it's a must, although I'd love to see a mutated cat. Just kidding. 
  I need to just say that Fallout 4 needs to have some kind of short term vehicle transportation, or at the very least, boats. 
   I'd also like to see in-game on disc, day one, some ability to leave the current wasteland one is exploring,,and go someplace else, because frankly, I was a bit upset when I was in New Vegas, and I had areas unexplored or because they wre set up for DLC. Either build the game, or don't, but don't give me an area I can't walk to and expect me not to feel like I was screwed out of a full game. 
   I'd also like to see some honest building so everything doesn't seem matted together, make it pretty, and pretty kick ass! 
   Finally, I want a good story, awesome dialogue choices, and would it be too much to give armor that actually adds to you like an actual RPG?

    Whatever the situation, I  believe Fallout 4 needs to add less, than add more to an already near-flawless title. The third game was a great experience, and it should've been clunkier than expected, but it would be nice to see better movement still, movement is truly never perfected in gaming, perhaps Fallout 4 will fix this issue.  Whatever happens, whatever comes true, and yes, a few new alien and mutant races would be nice, and that you can work with, for, or against them would make for a deeper story, I'm starting to think that asking for too much, and expecting too much, will be asking too much,and hurt this game. So predictions aside, I trust my money in Bethesda. 

Thank you for reading the Malacast Editorial!

Edgsr Holves's twitter: @FunNYFisherman

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