I have yet to write the Mortal Kombat X review, and unlike many of my other post, I'm pretty sure that many more reviews will be as thorough as the one I intend to write, but I will also be including all of the DLC costumes and characters along with the full-on review. If you've read my Mortal Kombat reviews in the past, you will probably have an idea of just what I'll be adding into my full-review.
Despite the amazing performance MK X, we cannot forget thwt there is another sequel coming out that will be ending a series: no, not Uncharted 4: A Theif's End, but good guess! No, I'm talking about Bstman: Arkham Knight. Firstly, this game seems packed, and I mean packed. The story is huge, much bigger than both Arkham City, and Arkham Origins. The introduction of Robin and Nightwing, along with a return of Catwoman seems to be pushing the limits of just what this game is going to be,perhaps more like Grand a Theft Auto V, where you can jump to play multiple characters simultaneously.
The game does look amazing so far, and promises is Arkham fashion to include a multitude of villains that we have all grown to expect from the series. I asked if they would be finishing the storyline where Azrael came in,mashing hell was coming to Gotham. I'm still not sure if the game will tie up what happened to Joker, but I'm sincerely excited to see us fighting Scarecrow, who is truly an underrated villain, being a highly intelligent, manical fiend, who could challenge Batman in this chess match over the fate of Gotham. Apparently Riddler and Catwoman have a side story that will be played out, and although not every secret has been leaked just yet, I do hope in the thoroughness of truly ending the series, that the Hush confrontation is also brought to a conclusion, which was introduced in Arkham City as well. If not, I could live with it, but then again, the story may grow too big to be fun to play.
The story, and unless I've missed a trailer, seems to be quite under wraps, not much has been leaked, but from what has been leaked, this game seems so big, I can't imagine the amount of playtime it will take to actually complete 100%. Still, many fans wanted even more out of Arkham City, and I have to agree with them, the game was nearly flawless, and the Riddler trophies added so much value to an already over enthusiastic title, but I never once hated having to scan a poster or building, or figure out a harrowing puzzle to get one of those green question marks. Personally, I love the Riddler, he's one of the most iconic Batman villains, and he is the most aggravating of them, because it requires brains to defeat him, and because of that, the game is much more difficult than repeatedly stomping on your controller to button mash. The combat looks and feels like the last generation games, but if it has been spruced up, I'm creating it is only to improve on a system that really wasn't broken to begin with, however a slight polishing is always good for consistency. So a Riddler is define,h a welcome return to the Arkham universe. Plus I have a soft-spot for puzzles.
Despite the game looking absolutely beautiful, I'd say nearly flawless, I want to know why the damn Batmobile looks like it still handles like a tank! Even in the more recent gameplay release, it looks like one of those old tanks you had in a Playstation 2 game! But maybe, and I mean maybe, the added potential play value of controlling the Batwing will make up for it, especially if it's as open-world as it seems. This game is aiming to be a pinnacle title for the current systems, and trying to be a classic, and appeal to a broader audience than Batman fans. Makes sense, and seeing as the Batman mythology has such a large fanbase to begin with, the game, unless something terrible happens prior to launch, will be the instant success it's expected to be.
Although I shouldn't play devil's advocate here, but something tells me that the added characters like Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman may play out well for a story such as this, and the reluctant help Batman will have to take in order to restore order, I'm not sure if this will be forced onto the players, or worst: be unwanted DLC that aims to shorten the overall gameplay value, and y bring shame to Rocksteady. Though I had played the Catwoman DLC, and it really didn't take away much from the main experience,which I respected a lot. Same with Harley Quinn's revenge DLC, and that felt like an utter waste to me, personally.
Batman: Arkham Knight does look to impress, and I'm certain it will, and I especially hope that Rockstasy sticks to their guns, and ties up all the loose ends, without having to shell out another twenty dollars to get the full story in DLC. Still, I'm happy to say that this going to be one of the best summer games, and with a lot of major titles coming out, and a few being leaked at E3, which I promise to do at least one commentary blogpost about, it looks to be an exciting year to own a current generation console. Either way, we know now that Batman: Arkham Knight will be out in a little more than a month, unless something goes array, and that will be worth the wait.
Now, moving on to E3, and my personal predictions on what will be coming forward, going into this yewr's Electronic Entertainment Expo. Normally I'm coy when I say I'm good at making industry predictions, because well, I've been playing games since I was able to crawl. People are so fascinated that infants play on tablets before they can walk, I was literally playing with an old NES controller before I could crawl, let-alone talk. I'm being a bit sardonic, but it's not difficult to predict certain aspects of the industry, or at least make a very well-rounded educated guess without being right a good portion of the time. The Electronic Entertainment Expo has become the Shangri-La for those of us who care about what comes next, not what comes next week. We know technology explodes the second it's inception, and two weeks behind once it's released on the market. So we always desire to see just how far a system can be pushed, what hardware and software limits there really are, and seeing even those limits pushed beyond by developers who should be seen as the great architects of our time.
E3 has but weeks away from the amassing of all gamer gurus, and tech experts to be unleashed upon California, and it will be interning to watch the chaos unfold from live streams and first person perspectives of the actual attendees themselves from my tablet. I remember the first time I watched E3, they had announced the Nintendo Revolution and the Playstation 3, and I was left in this euphoric state that made me excited to be a gamer. The future looked amazing, and the PS3 looked ridiculously beautiful. Being a boy who was amazed by seeing an 8-bit Mario jumping on goombas, and saving the princess, I was shocked to see what the barriers being pushed by technology were back in 2004-05. Still, even the playstwtion 4 and Xbox One will eventually look archaic to gamers of the future, I think the love of E3 never left me, even as an adult.
I've always wanted to attend E3, it's why I've always pushed myself to be in the business, and being thwt my talents weren't ever going to be up to par of those who could make even IOS games, I knew I'd have to relinquish the thoughts of being a developer, and try to make my way in as a gaming journalist. My talents were alway writing, despite how flawed my work may seem on this particular blog. But it's the staple of this blog, ever since the first post.
Most of what people expect to happen at E3 this year (starting June 5th I believe) is a whole host of new IPs, and a ton of game content to really get the jowls wet over getting the new systems. Despite what some may tell you, thre aren't a lot of well-received titles on the current game consoles since their releases, but this year has been a slight change in the less-than-monumental reception of titles. The newest piece of information that seemed to be not much of a shocker, but a welcome commencement is in the form of a PC press conference. Bethesda will have not only their own booth, but a private press conference to, what most assume, and what has been unofficially leaked, show off the first actual look at Fallout 4, and I too believe it will be actual gameplay, not just a teaser trailer, lie, the so-called teaser leaked earlier in the year. I'm also certain we will see plenty of the obvious: Mirror's Edge 2 gameplay, but I think EA is going to mainly focus on their sports juggernaut, which is quite frankly boring, even for sports fans, as they never show you anything legitimately new until you she'll out $60 for a rehash of last year's game. I'd like to see EA give us a bit of background on the actual story of Miirror's Edge 3, as I liked the subtle style of the first game,mid hate to see it be turned into some big, over-the-top story, which happens to so many avant-garde games' sequels. The gameplay from last year's E3 does look quality, so I would love to see if any improvement have been made for the potential Q4 release.
Next, I'd like to see some new IPs to replace a lot of the old ones going out. I still think a Green Arrow game is possible to replace the Bstman series, given the obvious fanfare to the television show, and the upcoming ing franchise movie. I know Green Lantern is going to be rebooted, and we are going to try our best to forget Ryan Reynolds even exists. So I think WB is going to take the opportunity to make a Green Arrow game, and I know this is overreaching, but it makes sense to have a character thwt is similar to batman in many ways, but more fierce in tactics, and who can have a villain list of the same caliber as the Caped Crusader. This game may be teased, or it may even be given a free light,mbut I can see it happening if not this E3, perhaps next.
Another thing I'd like to see, and I know it's not the popular position to have, but I'd like to see less of this focus on casual games, and even smaller titles that are DLC, and a focus on AAA titles. I'm sorry, but I didn't spend over four hundred dollars to play 2D platformers on my Playstation 4. I know graphics don't always matter, and I know games are for fun, and substance should be key, especially gameplay, which has been literally cut to nudging a controller forward, but I'd like to see less mobile games, and more focus on titles that fit the core gaming systems. Granted, I actually like some mobiles, and if they could evolve off the likes of MK X, and even grow to rival consoles, then I'd be for more coverage of them. I love that two people in a garage can now have their game shared on the biggest platforms, I find that idea a very amazing symbiosis between major companies, and little guys trying to grow, but really, I want fully-developed, deep-seeded games!
Next, I predict that Microsoft will tease the Oculus Rift's capabilities, as V.R. And A.R. are expected to be the future, even though it's been the futur since I was still in diapers. Still, this may be the opportunity to get some legitmate IPs, but something tells me that this (and Project Morpheus) may not be seen until CES, in the sense of testing via an audience. Virtual reality seems fun, and many games will most likely have it as a choice, but it is a fad, and unless it fully immerses, while keeping the story from faltering because of the medium, I only see it being something to show off for five minutes, until you're back to that big television screen you blew last month's rent on for that lovely 4K.
So the games,what exactly do I want to see? I'm an older gamer, up there pushing that minor demographics in their late twenties-early thirties, but I do love to see new IP if it works out, and is written well. I was excited about the rumors circling about a possible Medieval revamp, but finding out it was fan made kinda let my hopes down. One game I would love to see remade is Ecco the Dolphin, because I really miss puzzlers that have a strong story behind them. Sega isn't even going to be having booth at E3, so this is obviously a longer shot than seeing a new Dreamcast in 2017. I'd also like to see a sequel to Dishonored. I wasn't a huge fan of the original game, and I get it was supposed to be steampunk, but it really didn't read steampunk to me as much as it did cartoon. Still, it was a fun game, and it was at least attempting to be original.
For Sony, Naughty Dog has become a goldmine. This company has been there since day 1, is a strong component to the SCEA, and is part of some of the biggest franchises of my generation. Uncharted is ending very soon, and with The Last of Us being another big-time game franchise that has room to grow, I see the possibility of a new IP more apt to happen at this year's E3, for release sometime in the next year, year-and-a-half. I will also predict that the obvious will happens and The Last of Us will either get a sequel, or a Vita port, although I think that happened already.
Twisted Metal: can it survive in a world of GTA? The last game was met with more controversy than any other in the series' twenty-year history. That's right, this year Twisted Metal turns twenty, and it is a whole new world since then, and that in-turn has many skeptics wondering if a new title will make the cut. I cannot assure that a new game is in the work, but I would love, love, love to see a reboot of the second game, or even a sequel to the Twisted Metal: Black series. Hell, I'd even laugh to see a DLC sequel in the wonderfully comedic Small Brawl style. This won't happen, Jaffe has in many ways, moved on to greener pastures with the God of War series. Still, putting hundreds of hours into mastering the car combat concept, I wouldn't mind given a new Twisted Metal game another chance.
Did I hear someone say: "Gameplay of Star Wars: Battlefront"? Yeah, I'm not sure that's a prediction, more as a shoe-in, but what about the Last Guardian? Or am I just pissing everyone off for saying that? I kid, because we've now moved on to bigger, and better things, right?
E3 will most likely show off a new Mass Effect title, although I'm not quite sure even I'd be interested in seeing that, but hey, sequels are always going to usher in more OMGs than some scary looking IP. Although I'd also like to see a sequel for Alien: Isolation, and I believe it would be a legitimately good game, and a contender against the grain of other titles, it may be very, very early for even some concept art at the expo.
So we talked about Sony, we talked about Microsoft (hah! Just kidding, we don't care about Microsoft hee at the Malacast Editorial!) and we talked about EA, and the fact that Dead Space 4 is probably not going to happen....I'm still waiting on Posession myself, you know, that game when you're some zombie experiment, and you create other zombies? Yeah that game teased before even the Ps3 and XBOne were even released! But want about the Assassin's Creed machine? I mean Ubisoft? You know, if someone didn't post maybe once every three years some short clip of Ghost Recon, or a picture of Rayman, I'd swear Ubisoft only knew one thing: Assassin's Creed. Personally,mi hate these games, I find them overrated, and quite frankly, they are the Nickleback of gaming! Yes! I said what a billion online trolls never have the courage to say! With that being said, I really hated Watchdogs, and I find that political correctness is the only reason Ubisoft even have a damn press conference over other, and let's be real here, more deserving publishers out there. Even Square Enix is more deserving of a whole press conference, and they barely make one game series! Still, I must admit, the tenacity behind Ubisoft is proof of a good work ethic that many big-time publishers could learn from, and alas, why I must make these predictions for Ubisoft, even though it is more like stating the obvious.
Okay, so Assassin's Creed by now has already been leaked, and is most likely taking place in Victorian England. I don't give two shits personally, but hey, the market proves I'm wrong,and you guys love playing this game. Why? It's the same as those who play Dragonball games, they just won't stop, and the same with Dynasty Warriors....you people are sick! As I digress, I have to mention yet again,mthwt Assassin's Creed will most definitely be out in November, and every November after that until the end of time. Ubisoft claims to have other games, but nobody I know has ever played them, and I'm sure you haven't, unless you're some obsessed psychopath with francophillia, haven't played them either.
So Ubisoft. May do a sequel eventually to the likes of Watchdogs, but seeing as how poorly received it was, they might just stick to Ghost Recon, which is the French Call of Duty, and of course Rayman, which was always a stupid platformer that most people only played ironically as babies, and sparked the current hipster movement. Gag me, please.
Oh yeah! Rockstar games! The biggest video game company in the world, the one all of you wish to work for, but not even on the same level as these code monkeys. I know GTA VI (CE?) is years away, and yes Rockstar, I just gave you a lovely little bit of marketing genius right there for your Vice City reboot that we all know is coming. Still, it's never early to predict what Rockstar will be showing off at this year's convention. Rockstar hasn't had a serious contender for it's GTA series yet, except Manhunt, and earlier, Midnight Club. Rockstar is a company that I am sure wants to expand it's audience well past the masses who line up to play the relatively moderate, but always revolutionary titles that make up the GTA series, but even I found them growing staler, and less sophisticated even as early as right after GTA III.
Still, the series is white hot, and Rockstar is full of intelligent, talented people, so what else can they show off to cash in on you guys out there? I doubt a Manhunt 3 is even a thought in their kinds, as the second game was forced into such heavy censoring, it held little weight without the excessive ogre, and even games like Mortal Kombwt rivaled that gore, and surpassed it tenfold. Still, do we see another IP, or older franchise stepping up to join the Rockstar family? My hopeful side says absolutely, but my realist, predictive side says that Rockstar isn't going to waste valuable effort to make another game thwt will never reach the margins of GTA, so they will focus all their energy on the obvious Vice City reboot, because let's face it, unless they redo the sixties version of the original games in either London, or someplace else in Europe, which seems too extreme a risk for them to take, prepare yourself for driving around the Florida Keys, and portions of Miami and Kissimmee even by the year 2018. Okay, 2019 at the very latest.
My final predictions are as such: E3 2015 will be game-packed, and it will focus on a ton of IP release that will be practically available for download just hours after the show closes up, and the demos go out to fill the limited space on your already cluttered hard-drives, and then you'll be wondering how you ever lived without high-speed internet. To me, that is incredible how you will go from just one click to download something just previewed live on a computer/television/tablet/phone screen, to right onto your new system.
As I just said, there will be a ton of games, and many new peripherals to replace the ones you already have, and "make them updated" but I'm also certain that the new games previewed will not be nearly as surprising as in past years. Personally, the internet, and the 24 hour news cycle has made it nearly impossible for the industry to keep a good secret. Every louse in the tabloid game journalism industry is always doing their best to ske sure they have the story before anyone else, and it really does screw up those of us who get ally miss hearing in a simultaneous moment when something is officially announced.
Finally, I believe in the deepest chambers my heart of hearts that we will hear about some new Tom Clancy title, maybe even a Splinter Cell remake for the newer consoles. Why? Because the new Rainbow Six looks stupid, and if you really think it's spectacular, then gaming must die, yesterday. I play, but I do believe it's coming.
Well I hope you've enjoyed my predictions, because it's pretty obvious to see the innovation these people in the industry have, and it's not a stretch outside the imagination. Still this was, for all-intent-and-purposes for fun, and not meant to be an actual portrayal of the upcoming E3 convention,more the conferences involved.
Thank you for reading the Malacast Editorial!
Twitter: @mcasteditorial
E-mail: mcasteditorial@yahoo.com, or my newest account: malacastplays@gmail.com.
I'll be releasing some upcoming news about the podcast I co-host with Edgar Holves @FunNYFisherman called EntroPhenom, later this summer. Have a great time, and enjoy E3 this June!
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